Robert Madej - FutureVault Advisor


Robert Madej

CEO, PureFacts Financial Solutions Inc.

Meet Robert Madej

Robert Madej is a well-regarded financial services and technology veteran who is currently the Chief Executive Officer of PureFacts Financial Solutions Inc., an integration partner of FutureVault. 

Robert is extremely passionate about entrepreneurship and people and about building solutions that benefit the way people conduct business and live their lives. In particular, he's passionate about solving very challenging problems of a mathematical nature; particularly within finance; business and technology.

Robert's philosophy is that business can be used to benefit all six stakeholders; owners, employees, clients, partners, the community, and the environment.

Prior to founding PureFacts, Robert held the roles of Vice President and then President at LYNXDev, a financial services software company that build solutions for client management, client reporting, fees, modeling and performance measurement.